Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Spanish Armada

The Spanish Armada was a war between England and Spain. Armada means fleet of warships and that’s literally what it was. The Spanish had just created a colony in newly discovered North America and had found gold in it and Spain was thriving. That was the cause of the war. England of course wasn't going to miss an opportunity to make money and spread their religion, so they decided to make a colony of their own. The problem was that whenever the Spanish created their colony, they made it clear to other European countries that nobody else could settle on it.

Even so, several countries decided that Spain shouldn't be in charge of them. So in 1588, the Spanish Armada began. The Spanish had a huge Navy with enormous ships. The English had small ships and an even smaller Navy. Yet because of the huge ships the Spanish had, they went really slow. As I said earlier the English had very small ships but what they had moved swiftly across the water. To everyone’s surprise the English had victory in the Spanish Armada.

To learn more about the Spanish Armada, click HERE, HERE or HERE.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

In April of 1865 President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford’s Theater. In most cases the assassin is unknown, but in this case newspapers and people talked about him. The guilty person was John Wilkes Booth.
John Wilkes Booth was the son of a very theatrical father and mother. He had unhappily acted for a few years before getting involved in politics. What you may be wondering is why would someone with such a good atmosphere want to do something like that? Well, as I mentioned, he got involved with politics and his political viewpoints didn’t exactly match up with President Lincoln’s.
Something that a lot of people don’t know is that Booth wasn’t alone in this. Some of the other members included, David Herold, George Azterodt, and Lewis Powell. These “Conspirators” were  to take down the government because they were from the south and thought that all people should have slaves. If they had succeed, everybody in the United States might still have a slave.

These  are she links I used to learn about Lincoln's Assassination click HERE, HERE, or HERE.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Would you like to learn about the Titanic?  Watch my vlog HERE.