Thursday, August 21, 2014

Welcome Social Studies Major/Minor!

I'm SO excited you picked social studies for Gifted Pirate University!  I can't wait to see what you learn and show us along the way.
MAJORS: Below are the requirements for this major in case you ever need them.  In the comments section, I would love to hear why you picked this major and the first 'course' you would like to take to start earning credits!  You will need 100 credits to 'graduate' at the end of the year.
MINORS:  Below are the requirements for this minor in case you ever need them.  The list is always being added to so check back often.  You will need 25 credits by Christmas Break to earn your Minor of Social Studies.

  • 5 credits (20 max for semester)- Read 2 blog posts and write a 1 paragraph summary about what you learned from reading them.  Write in Google Docs and share it with Mrs. Bronn.  Then Comment on that person's Blog Post about something you found interesting or learned.
  • 5 credits (20 max for semester) Research a historical event/place/person who made a difference in history and write a 1 paragraph summary about what you learned about it AND why it was important!! Must have at least 3 credible sources. Write this in Google Docs and share with Mrs. Bronn.
  • 5 credits- Write a newspaper account of a major historical event.  Your account must be informative and entertaining to your readers.  Include historical picture and put it all on the Bronn's Stunning Social Studies Blog. Must have at least 3 credible sources.

  • 10 credits (20 max for semester)- Research/Present to group and display on History Bulletin Board or blog 1 famous historical person/event/time period OR research a career/interview people who have a career in the history field. Use the History Detective Page to help you get started. You should have at least 15 different pieces of information included & Always a 3 credible source minimum
  • 10 credits- Imagine you are a news reporter on the 6 o'clock news.  You've been assigned to report on an event in history.  Your account must be interesting, accurate, and entertaining.  What will you say?  What visuals will you use to add flair & info to your report?  Upload your video to the blog.
  • 10 credits- Have a Vlog where you discuss a historical person or event (different than in news reporter form).    Upload the video to your student Google Drive account.  You must turn them in 1 at a time so feedback can be given if you want to continue with other episodes. Always a 3 credible source minimum per episode.  Must show visuals of some kind.  Be creative! Would love on location vlog episode!
  • 10 credits (based on length & depth)- Write a comic book about a person who made a difference in history or specific historical event. You must include at least 15 facts that we don't know.  Use the comic templates from Mrs. Bronn if you are doing it on paper (must include color).  Always use a 3 credible source minimum.
  • 10 credits- Project/Idea and implement it to honor Veterans as they come to Branson. Conference with Mrs. Bronn about your idea BEFORE you begin.
  • 10 credits- Bronn’s History Blog- Post 2 times on Bronn’s History Blog reviewing at least 1 current event/article, a person who made a difference in history, or a historic event. You must post 2 times within 9 weeks to get the 5 credits. 3 credible source minimum must be included at the end of each post.
  • 15 credits (20 max for the semester) - Write an A-Z book about a person who made a difference in history, a career in the social studies field, or specific event/time period in history. Each slide/page will have a word for that letter, an illustration, and a couple of lines to tell us something we didn't already know about how this connects with your subject.  Can be done on computer or on paper.  Always a 3 credible source minimum.

  • 20-30 credits based on project- Submit project to a national competition (We the People, Project Citizen, C-SPAN Student Cam, Patriots Pen, Legacy of the Ozarks Project)  Must be approved by Mrs. Bronn before you start.
  • 30 credits - Pecha Kucha - 20x20 of an historical event (PG rating on pictures used) or person who made a difference.  If  the Pecha Kucha is 15x15 then worth 20 points. Write the notes of what you will say at the bottom of your slide in the Notes section.  It must be shared on the Bronn's Stunning Social Studies Blog as well.
  • 30 credits – History Day Project
  • 30 credits- Kids TED ed Talk project based on an area of  concern in the Branson area or Missouri (We will be discussing TED ed Talks in January) and what you did to address this problem and how you will inspire others to join in the effort.
* 20 REQUIRED credits for a Major Year only- Display Gifted Showcase Board & neat organized binder.  This is what the Social Studies Display Board should look like.