Thursday, November 3, 2016

Revewing Past Blog Post

I looked at 2 different blog post one about the Civil War and the other about Paul Revere.
I read about the Civil War and how it was a colossal war and there was a lot of bloodshed. Some of the things I learned are that the war was fought over slavery as well as state rights. Also  the South thought that if they had to give up their slaves they would lose some materials. Finally that the Mason Dixon Line was the imaginary line that separated the free states form the slave states. I was also wondering if there was any politicians that might have wanted the south to abolish slavery or vice versa?
I also read about Paul Revere and how he played a big role in the Lexington and Concord battle by warning them the British are coming. Some things I learned, were that he was a Silversmith as well as a Engraver and a early Industrialist. I didn’t know that Dr. Joseph Warren sent Paul Revere to tell the Americans the British are coming. I also didn’t know that General Gage wanted to steal all the Americans gunpowder, so they couldn’t fight and the British would win the war. I was wondering if Paul Revere thought to do 1 lantern if by land or 2 if by sea or Dr. Joseph Warren did?

The original blog post are HERE for the Civil War and HERE for Paul Revere


  1. Actually, it was said by the american poet Henry W. Longfellow. cool, huh.

  2. Luke, Longfellow wrote about it in his poem but Nathan is wondering if the signal (hang 1 lantern in the church tower if by land and hang 2 if they come by sea) Paul Revere used was his idea or really Dr. Joseph Warren's idea.

  3. Oh, after researching this I learned that it was Paul Revere who organized it and it was only a backup plan- because Revere was apprehensive that he would be prevented from leaving Boston.
